《民数记 13 章 25 -33节》
1)上帝的应许 是实实在在的 上帝所说的 必定成就或完成!
∙耶利米书 29:11
This tells us that we do not need to wallow in self-pity anymore knowing that everything that comes our way is to help us to grow more in Him.
So many people today live with stress, anxiety, pressure and worry, but that’s not God’s plan for your life. He wants you to live in peace, confidence and rest in hope. Think about that for a moment. How can you rest in hope? It’s sort of like when you’re watching the replay of your favorite ball game. You already know the outcome. You don’t have to worry about what’s happening, you just ENJOY the plays. The same is true in life. When we know God’s Word, when we obey His commands, then we know the outcome for life. We know that He is always for our good. We know that He has plans to prosper us, not to harm us! (Taken from tumblr - spiritualinspiration)
∙以赛亚书 40:29-31
We will be able to receive strength from Him only if we keep our focus on Him.
∙马太福音 11 :28-30
When we work hard to pursue the things that we want, do we entirely focus on our goals and forget God or do we focus on our goals and at the same time feel/enjoy God's presence around us? Not forgetting that we as Christians, should take the time out to do our daily quiet time and to read God's word.
∙腓立比书 4 :19
Problem is, what exactly are our needs? Are we able to differentiate our wants from our needs? However, most of the time, our needs are actually our wants. If our spiritual needs are fully fulfilled, there would be no need for comparison with what we have. E.g: Clothes, electronic gadgets
∙箴言 1 :33
“唯有听从我的,必安然居住,得享安宁,免受灾祸的惊恐 。”
2)上帝是你我 生命力量的泉源 凡仰望信靠上帝的 必能得胜!
There will be many things that will threaten to shake our faith. However, we must know that God is on our side. :-)
力量的泉源是上帝本身。他也可以接着别人 (父母)来给我们力量。当我们得到从神而来的力量时,我们可以看
3)上帝的应许;上帝的全能 是否能够完全应验 在你我的生命 决定于你我今生的选择
信心不是凭着感觉的。我们要专注于神。We should not magnify our problems but instead magnify God. Only then, will our problems seem so small and insignificant.
