讲员: 刘祖发牧师
1. 要知道 ,恶事 = 破坏我们与上帝关系的事
2. 不要被困在罪的圈子里 :
(犯罪 -> 被奴役 -> 求祷告-> 拯救者 -> 太平-> 禁不起世上的诱惑 -> REPEAT)
3. 要懂得如何处理 – 跟上帝的话语作朋
Main sermon message:
1. Anything that destroys our relationship with God is bad.
2. Do not be trapped in the cycle of sin:
Sin against God -> Become a slave of sin -> Pray -> Attain salvation -> Gain PEACE -> Fall to temptation -> REPEAT.
3. Know how to break free from the cycle: Stick to God’s Word!
学习点 - Learning points:
1) 其由来:以色列人行了耶和华看为恶的事
(犯罪 -> 被奴役 -> 求祷告-> 拯救者 -> 太平-> 禁不起世上的诱惑 -> REPEAT)
在我们的时代,恶事 = 破坏我们与上帝关系的事
- 不要因为 (很sian lah) 而不遵行上帝的话语,离开上帝。
- 就不能在“敌人” 面前站立得住
- 跟上帝的话语作朋友!
Most importantly: build and maintain our relationship with God!
HOW? Obey God’s Word.
BE CAREFUL: Do not feel “sian” and start to leave God -> Fall to the temptations of the World.
2) 其结果:以色列人战胜仇敌
以色列人, 出问题的时候,第一个找上帝。聪明的选择!
Make the clever choice: whenever there is a problem, find God first!
Eg. Pray, seek for his answer and direction.
Run to humans (eg. parents, mentors) AFTER you seek God’s help.
我们往往也是这样, “我要走我自己的路,做我想做的事。” = 不顺服,不是上帝要我们走的路。
Sometimes, we want to “walk my own path, do my own things, lead my own life.”
But that means to disobey, because that is NOT the path that God wants us to take!
Our God is a loving and forgiving God, but He is also a God of Justice.
We will have to face the consequences of our own doings even after we are forgiven by Him.
3) 其意义:以色列人要来认识圣洁公义怜悯慈爱的耶和华上帝。
要知道 ,什么是恶事!不要一直被困在罪的圈子里。
So, do not be trapped in the cycle of sin. Know who our God is.
Whenever there is trouble, turn to God FIRST. Follow Him and all is well!
Kang Rong
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