Sunday, October 7, 2012


讲员: 刘祖发牧师

约书亚记 1

主要信息 - Main sermon message:


学习点 - Learning points:

God must be with us in whatever we do, if not everything seems difficult!

在传福音之前:1。爱神 2。爱人如己

Our God is an ever-unchanging God, His promises will always hold true!

To us, His works may not the fastest, but it will be the timeliest!

Even if we don't keep our promises to him, He will still be the ever-unchanging God who He promises to be.

God wants all of us to NOT be afraid!

书1:9 上帝对约书亚的勉励
Joshua 1:9 - God's encouragement to Joshua, who was supposed to lead Israelites into the promised land

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discourage, for the Lord your God will be with you everywhere you go."

That can be encouragement to us too; we must live life that God wants us to live out!!

思想点 - Pondering points:

1. 要对上帝的旨意有把握!
Do we have confidence, and live in the promise of God?
When something bad happens, can we still remember God's will and promise to us?

Just like everything else: performing on an instrument, a dance item, playing sports, even scramble with friends: These things need practice!

Remembering God's promise to us requires practice!
Its like 扎马步:The more you practise horse-standing, the less you'll kahlangkahboh!

The more we practise remembering God's promise, the more firm and steady we'll be in times of trouble: Because God's promise is our pillar!

2. Are we like the followers who supported Joshua?
Do we support our church leaders and the activities planned?

"大家都要积极参与;教会不是俱乐部,不可以想参加才参加。不需要站在一旁流口水! " 刘祖发牧师,2012

Kang Rong