Sunday, July 29, 2012


Kang Rong


Main sermon message: How to start living a life of FAITH

1) 舍近求远 - 信心的开始
The beginning of our Faith in God – When we’re brought to take the long way.

舍近求远例子: 摩西带着以色列百姓在旷野走40年
Example: Moses brought God’s people out of slavery from Egypt and experienced 40 years in the desert before getting to the promised land.

To go from Tampines -> Pasir Ris, 

God brought Moses to go: 
Tampines -> Bedok -> Tanah Merah -> … …. …. …. … (~40 years?!!@#%^$%^&@) -> Pasir Ris

Sometimes, God will take us the longer way to bring us the destination. These are the times which marks the beginning of our faith in God!

Things to remember for our faith in God:

- > God is with us! 
神的同在 (云柱,火柱)

-> God’s teachings! 
神的指导 (仰望,寻求,顺服)

-> Human’s weakness
人的软弱,无助 (摩西vs百姓)

Especially when we’re 1) down and out, 2) in times of success, these are the times when our weakness as humans show itself, and we tend to forget God and forget to have faith in Him. Be careful!

2) 走投无路 – 信心的锻炼
The building of our faith in God – When we’ve reached what seems to be a dead end.

In our lives, we are bound to meet into all kinds of difficulties which may seem impossible to overcome.

But like in the case of Moses crossing the Red sea, we MUST learn to:

- 不要惧怕
Not be afraid,
- 原地不动
Stay put and keep calm,
- 看神作工
Witness God’s wonderful work!

Analogy: Tom & Jerry.
Whenever Jerry runs into a dead end and can’t find his mousehole to hide from Tom, he’ll turn around and shiver when he sees Tom right there waiting to deal with him.
(In some cases), when that happens, while Jerry shivers in fear, suddenly the house owner appears and brings Tom away, Jerry gets saved! 

3) 出死如生- 信以致得救
The reward of faith: salvation – After we’ve been through “life and death” situations.

After overcoming our difficulties,
- 惧怕 的心 -> 信心
A heart of Fear will turn into A heart of Faith.
- 不被周遭环境时局左右
Remember to not be distracted by our surroundings.

- **信靠顺服,坚信不疑,完全交托,终必得救
**In short: Trust & Obey -> Be firm and be doubtless in God -> COMPLETELY entrust everything to Him -> Salvation awaits!



Aiyoh. I realised Chuandao hor, really included lots of life testimonies and sharing on Faith which I can’t find a good way to slot into the sermon content. So here they are, some food for thought:

4.1) When our religion and faith is being tested, what will we do?

- Our faith will surely be challenged! Its just a matter of sooner or later.

Archaeological evidences of Moses crossing the Red Sea: 
- How the Red Sea opened up
- Egyptian chariots’ wheels
- The piece of land before the crossing of the Red Sea which could possibly stand 2 million people who Moses’ were bringing out of Egypt.
- Etc.etc.

Qn(s): We all know the “story” of Moses leading the Isrealites crossing the Red Sea, but:
Do these evidences make up the truth?
Is this story that we all know possible? 
Is this miracle real?

ANS: What is our perspective when we read this?
a) Read/see/hear (first) -> (then) Believe
b) Believe (first) -> (then) Read/hear/see

*** There can only be ONE perspective: Believe BEFORE reading the Bible!
We believe not because the evidence tells us that the story or Bible could be true. We believe because we believe.

4.2) Faith is like God’s signal (analogy: handphone signal)

- It has been prepared for us but, do we want to receive the signal?

- When our faith waivers, 1st thing to do: pray! (don’t look for crutches aka help from human eg. pastor)

- One encounter cannot support our faith forever! 
Faith must be renewed, everyday. It is never enough, and will never be too much to ask from God. There will ALWAYS be more than enough for us, all we need to do is to ask!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

主题: 世纪大灾难

主题: 世纪大灾难 
日期:2012 年7月15日










Brothers in Christ: Watch over your thoughts and be careful of what you see.
Sisters in Christ: Take charge of your emotions.


Sunday, July 1, 2012

主题: 篮里的婴孩

主题: 篮里的婴孩
出埃及记 2:1-10

How should we live a life that is controlled by God?

-即使在最困难的时候, 我们依然要相信神已经为我们安排好前面的路
Even the in the worst possible situation, we have to keep believing that God has the best plans laid out for us

-我们常常会选择相信自己的能力多过相信神。 这是因为我们在乎现实的成就, 很容易被世俗的东西引诱。这些试探会使我们把生命的焦点转离神。
We tend to be believe in our own abilities rather than in God because we are easily tempted by worldly possessions and achievements. These temptations drift our focus away from God.

-如果上帝不成权, 我们就算再努力完成自己的计划, 所有的努力也只会是白费的
If God does not plan for something to happen, no matter how hard we try to establish our plans using our own abilities, our efforts will all be in vain in the end.

Do we understand God’s plans in our lives?

-如果我们想要知道与明白上帝在我们生命里的旨意, 我们就要主动去寻找答案
If we want to know what are God’s plans for us, we have to take the initiative to find out.

Start from doing small things for God

Be humble and have a willing heart to do things for God

➢每当我们有感动要为神做工 (例如: 为某人祷告),我们就因该立即行动
Whenever we feel the urge to do something for God (E.g. Pray for somebody etc.), just do it

God will show you His plans along the way, while you are doing work for Him. This may come in a form of realization that you have a certain talent you never knew you had (E.g. Good speaking skills etc.)

How do we trust and Obey in God?

We must allow God to change our lives

In Christ, we are constantly being renewed, not in appearance but in heart

-人犯罪的代价是死亡。 虽然我们都会面对病痛与死亡, 但只要我们的内心不断的被复兴,我们依然可以用我们的智慧与行动来影响周边的人。
We will all die someday and suffer physical discomfort due to ageing, because the price of sin is death. However, as long as we are constantly being renewed in Christ, we can still and impact lives using our wisdom and actions