Sunday, July 1, 2012

主题: 篮里的婴孩

主题: 篮里的婴孩
出埃及记 2:1-10

How should we live a life that is controlled by God?

-即使在最困难的时候, 我们依然要相信神已经为我们安排好前面的路
Even the in the worst possible situation, we have to keep believing that God has the best plans laid out for us

-我们常常会选择相信自己的能力多过相信神。 这是因为我们在乎现实的成就, 很容易被世俗的东西引诱。这些试探会使我们把生命的焦点转离神。
We tend to be believe in our own abilities rather than in God because we are easily tempted by worldly possessions and achievements. These temptations drift our focus away from God.

-如果上帝不成权, 我们就算再努力完成自己的计划, 所有的努力也只会是白费的
If God does not plan for something to happen, no matter how hard we try to establish our plans using our own abilities, our efforts will all be in vain in the end.

Do we understand God’s plans in our lives?

-如果我们想要知道与明白上帝在我们生命里的旨意, 我们就要主动去寻找答案
If we want to know what are God’s plans for us, we have to take the initiative to find out.

Start from doing small things for God

Be humble and have a willing heart to do things for God

➢每当我们有感动要为神做工 (例如: 为某人祷告),我们就因该立即行动
Whenever we feel the urge to do something for God (E.g. Pray for somebody etc.), just do it

God will show you His plans along the way, while you are doing work for Him. This may come in a form of realization that you have a certain talent you never knew you had (E.g. Good speaking skills etc.)

How do we trust and Obey in God?

We must allow God to change our lives

In Christ, we are constantly being renewed, not in appearance but in heart

-人犯罪的代价是死亡。 虽然我们都会面对病痛与死亡, 但只要我们的内心不断的被复兴,我们依然可以用我们的智慧与行动来影响周边的人。
We will all die someday and suffer physical discomfort due to ageing, because the price of sin is death. However, as long as we are constantly being renewed in Christ, we can still and impact lives using our wisdom and actions

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