Sunday, June 24, 2012


日期:2012 年6月24日

Youtube video:

1. 神愿人做人
~ 当人失去常性时,就会沦为兽类,结果必会遭到神的重罚。



2. 圣物亵渎不

“耶稣进了圣殿,把殿里所有作买卖的人赶走,并推倒找换银钱的人的桌子,和卖鸽子的人的凳子; 又对他们说:“经上记着:‘我的殿要称为祷告的殿。’你们竟把它弄成贼窝了。”

★ 崇拜时的心态

★ 领圣餐时的心态

★ 荣耀“圣灵的殿的心态

“你们要逃避淫乱的事。人所犯的,无论是什么罪,都是在身体以外,唯有行淫乱的,是触犯自己的身体。 你们不知道你们的身体就是那位住在你们里面的圣灵的殿吗?这圣灵是你们从神那里领受的。你们不是属于自己的, 因为你们是用重价买来的。所以你们务要用自己的身体荣耀神。"

记住:我们活在这世界上,但并不表示我们属于这个世界!(We are in the world and not of the world.)
~ No matter where we come from or what we do, we must give our 100% and then give that glory back to God, for He will be delighted.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

主题: 火窑四影

主题: 火窑四影
但以理书 3: 8-30

Do you believe in bible stories? Do you believe that God was the one protecting Daniel and his friends in the fiery furnace?

- 即使大多数的圣经故事与我们的日常生活没有直接的关联, 这并不代表圣经所记载的故事不真实
Just because we cannot relate to most of the stories in the bible doesn’t mean that they are not true.

- 我们必须用信心去相信这些圣经故事
We need to have faith in believing all these bible stories

- 圣经故事所要带出来的信息就是神时时刻刻都与我们同在,而神是我们的救赎者。
What all these bible stories seek to tell us is that God is always by our side and that he is our savior.

Have you ever experienced God?

- 我们常常质疑自己是否有曾经历过神的奇妙作为,因为我们认为要在生命里经历大奇迹才算是经历到神的奇妙作为。
We always question if we do experience God, because we define ‘experiencing God’ as experiencing big miracles in our lives.

- 我们往往等到自己有困难的时候才寻求神,期待着神给予我们帮助,在我们的生命中行奇迹
We usually only seek God whenever something bad happens to us. We then commit all our difficulties to God and expect Him to perform some form of miracle in our lives.

- 但其实,不论是顺境还是逆境, 神依然与我们同在, 而我们时时刻刻都在经历神的同在 - 当神聆听我们的祷告和崇拜,或当神赦免我们的罪孽。可是, 我们常常都把这些怜悯当作是理所当然的, 不好好去珍惜。
However, in actual fact, we experience God all the time- when he listens to our prayers and worship, and when he forgives our sins. Most of the time, though, we do not treasure such mercy and take them for granted.

你是否能够信心充满上帝时时刻刻与你同在;同行以及同工?你对神有着100% 的信任吗?
Are you certain that the Lord is with you all the time? Do you have absolute trust in the Lord?

- 信心 Faith
有时候在生活中,即使我们再努力,也并不一定得到我们迫切想要得到的东西。但这并不意味着神不在聆听我们的祈祷。当一切事情都不按照自己的计划发生时, 事实总是难以接受,而且我们也很难相信事情总会好转起来。这时,我们就必须用信心相信一切都会按照神的计划发生。
Sometimes in life, we do not necessarily get what we desperately hope for or even what we work hard for, but that does not mean that God is not listening to our prayers. It’s always hard to accept it whenever something doesn’t go according to how you wanted it to be, and it’s hard to believe that things will eventually turn out well when it is not going according to your plans. That’s when we have to have faith and believe that everything happens in His time.

- 不论环境如何,都得感谢上帝 Thank the Lord for everything
我们总是会有理由感谢上帝。 即使我们在生活中面对着使我们觉得无助的困境, 我们也可以感谢上帝让我们能够从这些困境中学习到如何去依靠以及相信他。
There’s always a reason to thank God for everything. Even if we are facing some difficulties, and feel that we are being rendered absolutely helpless by those circumstances, instead of complaining, we can be thankful that God made us experience these hardships so that we can learn to believe in Him and trust that He will lead us in the correct path

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sermon: 坚守主道

Sermon: 坚守主道(eng ver.-lol)

Daniel 1:1-21
-The lord rules the earth
-The lord has control over the past present future
This world is like Daniel and his friends living in Babylon, where unholy acts can be found. Here are ways we can live a holy life on earth.

-Accept the good ways
-Do not be influenced by the unholy doings surrounding us
-Differentiate the good and wrong doings
-Do not be influenced by the bad influences on earth
-Give up the things that may seem impt to us, do the things that glorify god instead.
-our ownselves
-as a group
-john 17:16
-matthew 10:16
-proverbs 9:10

Thoughts: As a teenager, I have come across several bad doings/thoughts which i believe everyone has gone through too. For example, thinking of skipping church for exams. There are also several instances where people are being wrongly influenced, such as Obama supporting gay marriage etc.. As christians we need to practise the 4 points stated above, namely wisdom, accepting,renew and differentiating(WARD), in order to stick to God's principle to leave a holy life.


但以理书 1:1-21

-像但以理他们,在‘巴比伦’却不属于‘巴比伦’ (做出神喜悦的行为,放弃那一些我们觉得重要的事,把神放到第一位)


Sunday, June 3, 2012


My Takeaways:
This sermon is a pretty in-depth one, even I myself find it difficult to understand and explain. When it comes to the history of Israel, a time when they were about to be wiped out, and God just suddenly revive them to fight again. It’s like watching “The Mummy” all over again. 

But then, what is the point of God reviving them, send them to fight, just to die again? Well maybe Israelites won, but not for the unlucky some. I mean, there’s bound to have casualties in war right?

Talk about bones, it reminded me of the visit to prison camp in Cambodia mission trip, where we see countless bone remains of the prisoners. If we truly believe our God the almighty Creator, just imagine how he could make these bones come alive!
Think a little further, in those heaps of bones, God actually assemble the bones correctly in each human soldier. Not like inside me are his bones. Lol. 
