Sunday, December 30, 2012

主题: 因信称义

主题: 因信称义


∙律法不能够救人。E.g mirror, weighing scale.
Antidote: FAITH
1) 基督的信实。 You have faith in the God who is faithful.
2) 相信耶稣基督。Believe in Christ.

✔ Justified by faith
✘ Justified by law

∙When we are justified by faith, we are indirectly fulfilling the law. Towards 恩典的时代 which pleases God. We are PROVOKED by LOVE. The love of Christ which propels us.

加拉太书 3:26-28
26 所 以 , 你 们 因 信 基 督 耶 稣 都 是 神 的 儿 子 。
27 你 们 受 洗 归 入 基 督 的 都 是 披 戴 基 督 了 。
28 并 不 分 犹 太 人 、 希 利 尼 人 , 自 主 的 、 为 奴 的 , 或 男 或 女 , 因 为 你 们 在 基 督 耶 稣 里 都 成 为 一 了 。

“都” 指的是两组人,在那三节里的目的是为要团结。
In our context:
The 2 groups of people: 1) Believers for a long period of time already. 2) Believers for a short period of time.

Right mindset to stay humble: 以前、现在,永远 因信称义!

Felicia Ng

Sunday, December 2, 2012

主题: 羊毛为证

主题: 羊毛为证
讲员: 刘祖发牧师

*** 羊毛为证体现你我因自己的不足而往往忘了在我们当中有个完全能力的耶和华上帝,只要上帝说了,事物就已成就了!***



∙ 不管你能干,神只是要你有个愿意的心来跟随他。(Availability not ability)
∙ 当我们乖乖跟随神,接受神为我们开的路,我们就能够成就大事!
∙ 同时我们生命也能经历神和他的大能力,按着他的旨意,活着一个神所喜悦的生命。
∙ 神必于我们同在 - 士师记 6:16 耶和华对他说:我与你同在,你就必击打米甸人,如击打一人一样。

约翰福音16:33 《在世上,你们有苦难;但你们可以放心,我已经胜了世界。》
Romans 8:37 《 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 》

∙学习,仰望信靠神来克服 - 超越捆绑和局限 - 生命要的荣耀。

Felicia Ng

Sunday, November 18, 2012


讲员: 刘祖发牧师


1. 要知道 ,恶事 = 破坏我们与上帝关系的事 
2. 不要被困在罪的圈子里 :
(犯罪 -> 被奴役 -> 求祷告-> 拯救者 -> 太平-> 禁不起世上的诱惑 -> REPEAT)
3. 要懂得如何处理 – 跟上帝的话语作朋

Main sermon message:

1. Anything that destroys our relationship with God is bad.
2. Do not be trapped in the cycle of sin:

Sin against God -> Become a slave of sin -> Pray -> Attain salvation -> Gain PEACE -> Fall to temptation -> REPEAT.

3. Know how to break free from the cycle: Stick to God’s Word!


学习点 - Learning points:

1) 其由来:以色列人行了耶和华看为恶的事

(犯罪 -> 被奴役 -> 求祷告-> 拯救者 -> 太平-> 禁不起世上的诱惑 -> REPEAT)

在我们的时代,恶事 = 破坏我们与上帝关系的事


- 不要因为 (很sian lah) 而不遵行上帝的话语,离开上帝。
- 就不能在“敌人” 面前站立得住

- 跟上帝的话语作朋友!

Most importantly: build and maintain our relationship with God!
HOW? Obey God’s Word. 
BE CAREFUL: Do not feel “sian” and start to leave God -> Fall to the temptations of the World. 

2) 其结果:以色列人战胜仇敌

以色列人, 出问题的时候,第一个找上帝。聪明的选择!
Make the clever choice: whenever there is a problem, find God first!
Eg. Pray, seek for his answer and direction.
Run to humans (eg. parents, mentors) AFTER you seek God’s help. 


我们往往也是这样, “我要走我自己的路,做我想做的事。” = 不顺服,不是上帝要我们走的路。


Sometimes, we want to “walk my own path, do my own things, lead my own life.”
But that means to disobey, because that is NOT the path that God wants us to take!

Our God is a loving and forgiving God, but He is also a God of Justice.
We will have to face the consequences of our own doings even after we are forgiven by Him. 

3) 其意义:以色列人要来认识圣洁公义怜悯慈爱的耶和华上帝。

要知道 ,什么是恶事!不要一直被困在罪的圈子里。 

So, do not be trapped in the cycle of sin. Know who our God is.
Whenever there is trouble, turn to God FIRST. Follow Him and all is well!

Kang Rong

Sunday, November 4, 2012

主题: 亚干犯罪

主题: 亚干犯罪
讲员: 刘祖发牧师

1) 罪的由来 ;不顺服
Real freedom is found in Christ. However, sometimes we misuse the freedom God has given us to the extent whereby we do not listen to His words.
∙ 真正的自由是来自上帝。但拥有了这个自由,我们开始渐渐地不听从神的话。

Example from the Bible:
Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 2: 16 - 17)
"And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” <--- God had given them the freedom of choice - a wide range of fruits to choose from. But yet they still chose to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (defiance)

∙If God takes away our freedom of reaction, we'll not be considered humans but just programmed softwares.

Galatians 5:16-21
16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

✔ 我们要认识到我们生命的本质。凡事顺服圣灵的指示,我们就有个机会来经历神的大能。
✘ 用自己的知识来判断。

✔ 顺服是要有行动的。
✘ NATO - No action, talk only.

2) 罪的后果;遭审判
This is a "One for all and all for one" theory. Because of Adam & Eve's sin, we are all now born sinners. However, when one believes in Jesus, the rest who are also believers of Jesus Christ get redeemed through Him!

Romans 6:23
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
∙ 当我们一不小心犯罪时,我们必须面对神的审判。
∙ 所以我们应该谨慎,努力进神的天国!

3) 罪的赦免;真悔改
Romans 3: 23-26
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25 God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished— 26 he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. <--- God is able to cleanse you of your sins thoroughly, only if you repent.

加拉太书 6: 7-8


Sunday, October 7, 2012


讲员: 刘祖发牧师

约书亚记 1

主要信息 - Main sermon message:


学习点 - Learning points:

God must be with us in whatever we do, if not everything seems difficult!

在传福音之前:1。爱神 2。爱人如己

Our God is an ever-unchanging God, His promises will always hold true!

To us, His works may not the fastest, but it will be the timeliest!

Even if we don't keep our promises to him, He will still be the ever-unchanging God who He promises to be.

God wants all of us to NOT be afraid!

书1:9 上帝对约书亚的勉励
Joshua 1:9 - God's encouragement to Joshua, who was supposed to lead Israelites into the promised land

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discourage, for the Lord your God will be with you everywhere you go."

That can be encouragement to us too; we must live life that God wants us to live out!!

思想点 - Pondering points:

1. 要对上帝的旨意有把握!
Do we have confidence, and live in the promise of God?
When something bad happens, can we still remember God's will and promise to us?

Just like everything else: performing on an instrument, a dance item, playing sports, even scramble with friends: These things need practice!

Remembering God's promise to us requires practice!
Its like 扎马步:The more you practise horse-standing, the less you'll kahlangkahboh!

The more we practise remembering God's promise, the more firm and steady we'll be in times of trouble: Because God's promise is our pillar!

2. Are we like the followers who supported Joshua?
Do we support our church leaders and the activities planned?

"大家都要积极参与;教会不是俱乐部,不可以想参加才参加。不需要站在一旁流口水! " 刘祖发牧师,2012

Kang Rong

Sunday, September 16, 2012


日期:9 月16 日2012 

《民数记 13 章 25 -33节》

1)上帝的应许 是实实在在的 上帝所说的 必定成就或完成!

∙耶利米书 29:11
This tells us that we do not need to wallow in self-pity anymore knowing that everything that comes our way is to help us to grow more in Him.

So many people today live with stress, anxiety, pressure and worry, but that’s not God’s plan for your life. He wants you to live in peace, confidence and rest in hope. Think about that for a moment. How can you rest in hope? It’s sort of like when you’re watching the replay of your favorite ball game. You already know the outcome. You don’t have to worry about what’s happening, you just ENJOY the plays. The same is true in life. When we know God’s Word, when we obey His commands, then we know the outcome for life. We know that He is always for our good. We know that He has plans to prosper us, not to harm us! (Taken from tumblr - spiritualinspiration)

∙以赛亚书 40:29-31
We will be able to receive strength from Him only if we keep our focus on Him.

∙马太福音 11 :28-30
“你们所有劳苦担重担的人哪,到我这里来吧!我必使你们得安息。 我心里柔和谦卑,你们应当负我的轭,向我学习,你们就必得着心灵的安息; 我的轭是容易负的,我的担子是轻省的."
When we work hard to pursue the things that we want, do we entirely focus on our goals and forget God or do we focus on our goals and at the same time feel/enjoy God's presence around us? Not forgetting that we as Christians, should take the time out to do our daily quiet time and to read God's word.

∙腓立比书 4 :19
Problem is, what exactly are our needs? Are we able to differentiate our wants from our needs? However, most of the time, our needs are actually our wants. If our spiritual needs are fully fulfilled, there would be no need for comparison with what we have. E.g: Clothes, electronic gadgets

∙箴言 1 :33
“唯有听从我的,必安然居住,得享安宁,免受灾祸的惊恐 。”

2)上帝是你我 生命力量的泉源 凡仰望信靠上帝的 必能得胜!
There will be many things that will threaten to shake our faith. However, we must know that God is on our side. :-)
力量的泉源是上帝本身。他也可以接着别人 (父母)来给我们力量。当我们得到从神而来的力量时,我们可以看到突破,在学业上或者是感情方面。

3)上帝的应许;上帝的全能 是否能够完全应验 在你我的生命 决定于你我今生的选择
信心不是凭着感觉的。我们要专注于神。We should not magnify our problems but instead magnify God. Only then, will our problems seem so small and insignificant.


Sunday, August 19, 2012


日期:8 月19日2012 

你认识你的能力或恩赐吗? 如果有的话,你有好好地使用它们吗? 
我们该 1:认识到神给我们的能力。Recognise the abilities that God has given to us.
2: 好好地使用它。Make good use of the abilities God has granted us and in return, to glorify His name.


If God has granted you with so many blessings, He will also expect and demand more from you. (vice versa).

•谦卑 | 虚心 | 顺服 --> 充满活力和盼望

Seek the Lord for guidance when you're unsure of what to do and He'll provide you with assurance and hope for the future.
Example: •损友~好友


1、 被牧羊者
心态: 顺服、谦卑、 爱心、积极,为他人设想

心态: 虚心、顺服、谦卑、爱心、信心、耐心,积极学

当被牧羊的人热心给予支持时,牧羊他人者就会接受鼓励,被肯定一切的努力时值得的。 :)




出埃及记 18: 23


Saturday, August 11, 2012


Twenty Values/二十个价值观

勇气Courage: Not shrinking from threat, challenge, difficulty or pain, not limited to physical bravery

灵性Spirituality: Having coherent beliefs about the higher purpose & the meaning of the universe, having beliefs about the meaning of life that shape conduct & provide comfort

创意Creativity: Thinking of novel concepts or actions, not limited to artistic achievement

审美观Appreciation of beauty & excellence: Noticing & valuing great beauty & achievement in all areas, from nature to art to everyday life

好奇心Curiosity: Finding subjects fascinating exploring & discovering

诚实Honesty : Telling the truth, being upright & genuine

恩慈Kindness: Being benevolent, compassionate & helpful

感恩Gratitude: Being aware & appreciating the good things that happen, & taking the time to say ‘thanks’

公平Fairness: Being unbiased & impartial

谅解Forgiveness: Accepting the shortcomings of others & giving people a second chance

同理心Empathy: Understanding & being sensitive to another person’s feelings, thoughts & experiences

好学Love of learning: Constantly mastering new skills or topics, formally or informally

原则Principle: Living life according to a code of conduct

希望Hope: Being optimistic about the future, believing that effort can bring about a good outcome

自制Self-control: Being disciplined, controlling one’s appetites & emotions.

谦虚Humility: Being modest & not regarding oneself as special

坚持Perseverance: Persisting in the face of obstacles

开明Open-mindedness: thinking through things, not jumping to  conclusions, weighing evidence from all sides

能量Energy: Approaching life with excitement, living life as an adventure

幽默Humor: Seeing the lighter side of life, not necessary through the telling of jokes

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Kang Rong


Main sermon message: How to start living a life of FAITH

1) 舍近求远 - 信心的开始
The beginning of our Faith in God – When we’re brought to take the long way.

舍近求远例子: 摩西带着以色列百姓在旷野走40年
Example: Moses brought God’s people out of slavery from Egypt and experienced 40 years in the desert before getting to the promised land.

To go from Tampines -> Pasir Ris, 

God brought Moses to go: 
Tampines -> Bedok -> Tanah Merah -> … …. …. …. … (~40 years?!!@#%^$%^&@) -> Pasir Ris

Sometimes, God will take us the longer way to bring us the destination. These are the times which marks the beginning of our faith in God!

Things to remember for our faith in God:

- > God is with us! 
神的同在 (云柱,火柱)

-> God’s teachings! 
神的指导 (仰望,寻求,顺服)

-> Human’s weakness
人的软弱,无助 (摩西vs百姓)

Especially when we’re 1) down and out, 2) in times of success, these are the times when our weakness as humans show itself, and we tend to forget God and forget to have faith in Him. Be careful!

2) 走投无路 – 信心的锻炼
The building of our faith in God – When we’ve reached what seems to be a dead end.

In our lives, we are bound to meet into all kinds of difficulties which may seem impossible to overcome.

But like in the case of Moses crossing the Red sea, we MUST learn to:

- 不要惧怕
Not be afraid,
- 原地不动
Stay put and keep calm,
- 看神作工
Witness God’s wonderful work!

Analogy: Tom & Jerry.
Whenever Jerry runs into a dead end and can’t find his mousehole to hide from Tom, he’ll turn around and shiver when he sees Tom right there waiting to deal with him.
(In some cases), when that happens, while Jerry shivers in fear, suddenly the house owner appears and brings Tom away, Jerry gets saved! 

3) 出死如生- 信以致得救
The reward of faith: salvation – After we’ve been through “life and death” situations.

After overcoming our difficulties,
- 惧怕 的心 -> 信心
A heart of Fear will turn into A heart of Faith.
- 不被周遭环境时局左右
Remember to not be distracted by our surroundings.

- **信靠顺服,坚信不疑,完全交托,终必得救
**In short: Trust & Obey -> Be firm and be doubtless in God -> COMPLETELY entrust everything to Him -> Salvation awaits!



Aiyoh. I realised Chuandao hor, really included lots of life testimonies and sharing on Faith which I can’t find a good way to slot into the sermon content. So here they are, some food for thought:

4.1) When our religion and faith is being tested, what will we do?

- Our faith will surely be challenged! Its just a matter of sooner or later.

Archaeological evidences of Moses crossing the Red Sea: 
- How the Red Sea opened up
- Egyptian chariots’ wheels
- The piece of land before the crossing of the Red Sea which could possibly stand 2 million people who Moses’ were bringing out of Egypt.
- Etc.etc.

Qn(s): We all know the “story” of Moses leading the Isrealites crossing the Red Sea, but:
Do these evidences make up the truth?
Is this story that we all know possible? 
Is this miracle real?

ANS: What is our perspective when we read this?
a) Read/see/hear (first) -> (then) Believe
b) Believe (first) -> (then) Read/hear/see

*** There can only be ONE perspective: Believe BEFORE reading the Bible!
We believe not because the evidence tells us that the story or Bible could be true. We believe because we believe.

4.2) Faith is like God’s signal (analogy: handphone signal)

- It has been prepared for us but, do we want to receive the signal?

- When our faith waivers, 1st thing to do: pray! (don’t look for crutches aka help from human eg. pastor)

- One encounter cannot support our faith forever! 
Faith must be renewed, everyday. It is never enough, and will never be too much to ask from God. There will ALWAYS be more than enough for us, all we need to do is to ask!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

主题: 世纪大灾难

主题: 世纪大灾难 
日期:2012 年7月15日










Brothers in Christ: Watch over your thoughts and be careful of what you see.
Sisters in Christ: Take charge of your emotions.


Sunday, July 1, 2012

主题: 篮里的婴孩

主题: 篮里的婴孩
出埃及记 2:1-10

How should we live a life that is controlled by God?

-即使在最困难的时候, 我们依然要相信神已经为我们安排好前面的路
Even the in the worst possible situation, we have to keep believing that God has the best plans laid out for us

-我们常常会选择相信自己的能力多过相信神。 这是因为我们在乎现实的成就, 很容易被世俗的东西引诱。这些试探会使我们把生命的焦点转离神。
We tend to be believe in our own abilities rather than in God because we are easily tempted by worldly possessions and achievements. These temptations drift our focus away from God.

-如果上帝不成权, 我们就算再努力完成自己的计划, 所有的努力也只会是白费的
If God does not plan for something to happen, no matter how hard we try to establish our plans using our own abilities, our efforts will all be in vain in the end.

Do we understand God’s plans in our lives?

-如果我们想要知道与明白上帝在我们生命里的旨意, 我们就要主动去寻找答案
If we want to know what are God’s plans for us, we have to take the initiative to find out.

Start from doing small things for God

Be humble and have a willing heart to do things for God

➢每当我们有感动要为神做工 (例如: 为某人祷告),我们就因该立即行动
Whenever we feel the urge to do something for God (E.g. Pray for somebody etc.), just do it

God will show you His plans along the way, while you are doing work for Him. This may come in a form of realization that you have a certain talent you never knew you had (E.g. Good speaking skills etc.)

How do we trust and Obey in God?

We must allow God to change our lives

In Christ, we are constantly being renewed, not in appearance but in heart

-人犯罪的代价是死亡。 虽然我们都会面对病痛与死亡, 但只要我们的内心不断的被复兴,我们依然可以用我们的智慧与行动来影响周边的人。
We will all die someday and suffer physical discomfort due to ageing, because the price of sin is death. However, as long as we are constantly being renewed in Christ, we can still and impact lives using our wisdom and actions

Sunday, June 24, 2012


日期:2012 年6月24日

Youtube video:

1. 神愿人做人
~ 当人失去常性时,就会沦为兽类,结果必会遭到神的重罚。



2. 圣物亵渎不

“耶稣进了圣殿,把殿里所有作买卖的人赶走,并推倒找换银钱的人的桌子,和卖鸽子的人的凳子; 又对他们说:“经上记着:‘我的殿要称为祷告的殿。’你们竟把它弄成贼窝了。”

★ 崇拜时的心态

★ 领圣餐时的心态

★ 荣耀“圣灵的殿的心态

“你们要逃避淫乱的事。人所犯的,无论是什么罪,都是在身体以外,唯有行淫乱的,是触犯自己的身体。 你们不知道你们的身体就是那位住在你们里面的圣灵的殿吗?这圣灵是你们从神那里领受的。你们不是属于自己的, 因为你们是用重价买来的。所以你们务要用自己的身体荣耀神。"

记住:我们活在这世界上,但并不表示我们属于这个世界!(We are in the world and not of the world.)
~ No matter where we come from or what we do, we must give our 100% and then give that glory back to God, for He will be delighted.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

主题: 火窑四影

主题: 火窑四影
但以理书 3: 8-30

Do you believe in bible stories? Do you believe that God was the one protecting Daniel and his friends in the fiery furnace?

- 即使大多数的圣经故事与我们的日常生活没有直接的关联, 这并不代表圣经所记载的故事不真实
Just because we cannot relate to most of the stories in the bible doesn’t mean that they are not true.

- 我们必须用信心去相信这些圣经故事
We need to have faith in believing all these bible stories

- 圣经故事所要带出来的信息就是神时时刻刻都与我们同在,而神是我们的救赎者。
What all these bible stories seek to tell us is that God is always by our side and that he is our savior.

Have you ever experienced God?

- 我们常常质疑自己是否有曾经历过神的奇妙作为,因为我们认为要在生命里经历大奇迹才算是经历到神的奇妙作为。
We always question if we do experience God, because we define ‘experiencing God’ as experiencing big miracles in our lives.

- 我们往往等到自己有困难的时候才寻求神,期待着神给予我们帮助,在我们的生命中行奇迹
We usually only seek God whenever something bad happens to us. We then commit all our difficulties to God and expect Him to perform some form of miracle in our lives.

- 但其实,不论是顺境还是逆境, 神依然与我们同在, 而我们时时刻刻都在经历神的同在 - 当神聆听我们的祷告和崇拜,或当神赦免我们的罪孽。可是, 我们常常都把这些怜悯当作是理所当然的, 不好好去珍惜。
However, in actual fact, we experience God all the time- when he listens to our prayers and worship, and when he forgives our sins. Most of the time, though, we do not treasure such mercy and take them for granted.

你是否能够信心充满上帝时时刻刻与你同在;同行以及同工?你对神有着100% 的信任吗?
Are you certain that the Lord is with you all the time? Do you have absolute trust in the Lord?

- 信心 Faith
有时候在生活中,即使我们再努力,也并不一定得到我们迫切想要得到的东西。但这并不意味着神不在聆听我们的祈祷。当一切事情都不按照自己的计划发生时, 事实总是难以接受,而且我们也很难相信事情总会好转起来。这时,我们就必须用信心相信一切都会按照神的计划发生。
Sometimes in life, we do not necessarily get what we desperately hope for or even what we work hard for, but that does not mean that God is not listening to our prayers. It’s always hard to accept it whenever something doesn’t go according to how you wanted it to be, and it’s hard to believe that things will eventually turn out well when it is not going according to your plans. That’s when we have to have faith and believe that everything happens in His time.

- 不论环境如何,都得感谢上帝 Thank the Lord for everything
我们总是会有理由感谢上帝。 即使我们在生活中面对着使我们觉得无助的困境, 我们也可以感谢上帝让我们能够从这些困境中学习到如何去依靠以及相信他。
There’s always a reason to thank God for everything. Even if we are facing some difficulties, and feel that we are being rendered absolutely helpless by those circumstances, instead of complaining, we can be thankful that God made us experience these hardships so that we can learn to believe in Him and trust that He will lead us in the correct path

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sermon: 坚守主道

Sermon: 坚守主道(eng ver.-lol)

Daniel 1:1-21
-The lord rules the earth
-The lord has control over the past present future
This world is like Daniel and his friends living in Babylon, where unholy acts can be found. Here are ways we can live a holy life on earth.

-Accept the good ways
-Do not be influenced by the unholy doings surrounding us
-Differentiate the good and wrong doings
-Do not be influenced by the bad influences on earth
-Give up the things that may seem impt to us, do the things that glorify god instead.
-our ownselves
-as a group
-john 17:16
-matthew 10:16
-proverbs 9:10

Thoughts: As a teenager, I have come across several bad doings/thoughts which i believe everyone has gone through too. For example, thinking of skipping church for exams. There are also several instances where people are being wrongly influenced, such as Obama supporting gay marriage etc.. As christians we need to practise the 4 points stated above, namely wisdom, accepting,renew and differentiating(WARD), in order to stick to God's principle to leave a holy life.


但以理书 1:1-21

-像但以理他们,在‘巴比伦’却不属于‘巴比伦’ (做出神喜悦的行为,放弃那一些我们觉得重要的事,把神放到第一位)


Sunday, June 3, 2012


My Takeaways:
This sermon is a pretty in-depth one, even I myself find it difficult to understand and explain. When it comes to the history of Israel, a time when they were about to be wiped out, and God just suddenly revive them to fight again. It’s like watching “The Mummy” all over again. 

But then, what is the point of God reviving them, send them to fight, just to die again? Well maybe Israelites won, but not for the unlucky some. I mean, there’s bound to have casualties in war right?

Talk about bones, it reminded me of the visit to prison camp in Cambodia mission trip, where we see countless bone remains of the prisoners. If we truly believe our God the almighty Creator, just imagine how he could make these bones come alive!
Think a little further, in those heaps of bones, God actually assemble the bones correctly in each human soldier. Not like inside me are his bones. Lol. 
