Sunday, September 4, 2011


Luke 17: 11-19Oowen

Jesus Heals 10 Men With Leprosy

Story in a nutshell:
Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem, when he met the 10 men with leprosy. These men asked him to heal them, and he did. These men left after they were healed; all but one Samaritan who came back to thank him. Jesus said to him, that it was his faith that had made him well.

The unthankful nine.

The thankful one.

Acting in faith.

Scroll down to understand more!


Why “10”? Consider the following:
- 十诫
- 十个童女
- 十个银币

- 十全十美 totally perfect
- 十分地好 completely good
- 一五一十 ???

Significance of “10”

Leprosy in biblical times
- There were no cures for leprosy.
- Before this, healing a leper had not been done in Israel for 700 years.
- Only Miriam (Moses sister) and Naaman (a general who obeyed Elijahs instructions) had been cured of leperosy.

Food for thought:
Why only the Samaritan man came back?
Why did he not follow the other nine?
Why must he return? Would there be a problem if he didn’t?
What about him after that?

The faith that healed him. Was it his faith of the past, or the present, or the future?


My Takeaway

We are like the lepers.
Some of us completely disregard help, and declare that’s life.
Some of us may walk away healed, and forget how we got healed.
Some, or maybe one, may choose to return to give thanks to whoever has helped him/her.

But when life just sucks, and you think no one can help you, do not feel pessimistic about it. If you seek help (not targeting anyone specifically), there will be people around you to help you. No, really.

Because we are a body of Christ.

“With Christ in the vessel we can smile at the storm!”

All of us can give thanks for whatever has happened in the past.
And because we believe in him, we can continue to give thanks to him, even in the midst of the storm, or whatever may happen thereafter.

say this 10 times: 我今后当怎样继续信耶稣?



Side note to a couple of other things, mentioned in the sermon.
Wiki is my best friend! :D

Father Damien


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